Monday, 29 November 2010

Communication and change

Every time you say anything in English, every time you write anything in English, you change the world.  Not quite true; but if you are heard, if you are read, then you will change your audience or your readers respectively.

You will instruct them, you will amuse them, you will fascinate them or you will bore them.  But be assured, that they will not be the same after as they were before.

If this is the case, why not do a good job?  Why not create those changes in people that you want? This is what TRIPLE A has been all about for over twenty years.  Communicating in English, so that you achieve the changes in people that you want to.  This is what this blog is about.

Try the following exercise. 
Next time somebody is talking to you in Englísh, observe your own process.  Observe how you change as the person talks to become interested, you become bored, you become amused, irritated, fascinated and so on.  Get used to observing the changes that take place in you.  Logically, a similar process will be taking place in your listeners as you talk to them, or make a presentation.  They will become fascinated, bored, amused, better informed in turns as you talk. 

Then try and discover how the speaker caused these various emotions and states in you.  What did s/he say or how did s/he say it that amused/irritated/informed you?

If you decided to carry out the above exercises - which might take anything up to twenty years to do perfectly - it would be great if you posted a comment sharing your reflections with others on this blog.


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